I believe that embracing diversity and activating the power of collective intelligence lead to real competitive advantage and true growth.
Beate Boodoo, Founder
Ever changing markets and corporate transformation…
Today’s world is fast-moving, increasingly complex, unpredictable and forces us to continually question ourselves. Faced with these constantly changing times, a business’ agility and its capacity to adapt, are vital. Strategic transformation inevitable. The world is moving differently? Then we must look at it differently. Now more than ever, businesses must be ready to anticipate change and detect threats and/or opportunities. An agile and collective approach is essential in order to adapt, create, unite and integrate. It is crucial to be open to all possibilities, to think outside the box, to build and decide together so as to answer the need for continual innovation and make the right decisions in time.
Collective Growth Circles accompanies businesses in the perpetually changing world and in their transformation initiatives.
The power of true collaboration at work…
Collective intelligence demonstrates its full power in uncertain circumstances. When the right answer doesn’t exist simply because the situation has never arisen before. Collective intelligence is a catalyst for innovation and solving complex situations . The inherent diversity of a group enables issues to be understood from a wider perspective, allows us to disrupt the status quo and find the best ways forward. The end results belong to each member of the group, team relationships are reinforced and the impact is substantially positive.
Our mission is to facilitate and energise collaborations. Leveraging the power of collective performance in pursuit of a common goal.
Bespoke services for business transformation…
Each business is unique. Each corporate culture is unique : its mission, vision, values, ambitions… Any initiative to change must adhere to these precepts to guarantee a cohesive development. At Collective Growth Circles, we place great importance on understanding and discussing your needs in-depth at the very beginning of a project. We consider this essential to the cocreation and development of every collaboration. It is our guiding principle for all our missions. Whether in person, digital or both, we design a carefully tailored mix of workshops, seminars, conferences, work groups, including both individual and collective work. As needed, we bring in experts to provide a wide spectrum of knowledge to our clients. Both the head and the heart are called upon to fully integrate the transformation. The solution emerges from the group and belongs to each individual.
Our three key principles…
The success of collective work relies intrinsically on empowering each person. To this end the leader’s role is to help everyone take their place and feel comfortable to express their ideas free of judgment. Encouraging and appreciating the diversity of each person’s input, ideas and experiences is indispensable for an efficient collaboration
Structure is crucial to fully benefit from collective intelligence. A well-defined structure creates a supportive environment and ensures everyone’s involvement. It enables a concrete, pragmatic, strong and efficient collaboration. A catalyst for ideas, it guarantees high performance and is a driving force for creativity.
Each participant needs to understand how, when and in which context they should contribute. This requires the support of a facilitator, often external, to guide the teams, regulate the work and transform the initial momentum into a long term approach. A key role of the facilitator is to ensure that each group member is fully engaged in the group. This is especially important when participants are working from different locations.
Keeping the inspiration flowing…
Coffee Circles is an agile, bespoke programme hosted both online or in person. It is designed to immerge company staff in a constant flow of ideas, inspiration, thoughts and actions. The content evolves and takes into account the collective needs of the participants, co-constructing in real time. The concept involves organising and hosting a series of short workshop capsules calling upon the participation of a wide pool of experts. Coffee Circles helps fulfil the need to constantly monitor the business environnement, anticipate change and reinforce the cohesion of the group.
Coffee circles: an innovative programme adapted and constantly adapting to your needs.
Reaching higher heights through collective support…
Thanks to an extensive experience in facilitating Mastermind groups and working in depth with a vast array of business leaders and decision makers, Collective Growth Circles has developed a new approach to Mastermind. Extremely productive it englobes group feedback and ideas to resolve the business challenges faced by its members. It is enhanced by outside inspiration and focused on business development. The Group becomes the ultimate network benefiting each and every member.
The force of peer collaboration to overcome strategic and operational challenges.
Beate Boodoo…
My convictions
Passionate about the ability of collective intelligence to improve operational efficiency, I founded Collective Growth Circles, a consultancy firm specialised in the creation and running of collaborative programs and methods. I believe that collective thinking is vital. It allows each individual to benefit from the multitude of ideas, perspectives and experiences of all. My mission within Collective Growth Circles is to promote and implement the operational benefits of collective intelligence for business leaders, entrepreneurs and their teams.
My network
Over my 25 years of professional experience I have built a network of experts from various fields and created unique relationships with them. I have developed the acuity to pinpoint the specific needs of a company and am able to gather the most pertinent profiles and talents to ensure the successful outcome of each mission.
My experience
As an International Affairs lawyer with an executive MBA degree from HEC Paris, my studies and my professional experience have brought me to understand and engage with different cultures across the world. Thanks to these experiences and my bicultural identity (German and French) I have come to a deep understanding of the corporate world, and its environmental, social and ethical concerns.